“Mohawk Walk” Low Ropes Challenge Course
How important is “teamwork” in your business, group or organization? How well does your business, group or organization work together as a team?
There’s always room for improvement, and we can help you with that.
Camp Suwannee has a Low Ropes Challenge Course available for your group to learn to work better together.
Who can participate?
Participants must be at least 14 years of age, must be physically able to participate, and must complete a waiver before participating.
When is the course available?
Let us know when you’d like to come and we’ll see if the course is available. Full days (9:00 am to 4:30 pm) or half days (8:30 am to noon) are available depending on the size of your group.

How much does it cost?
- $25.00 per person for a full day
- $15.00 per person for a half day
- Guests lodging at the Village receive a $5.00 discount.
- Meals provided by ACV are $8.00 per person.
Here is what you need to do:
Contact Doug Mabey at (386) 658-5100 or dmabey@acvillage.net to reserve a date. We require 30 days’ advance notice to book.
What you will need beforehand:
- Proof of at least a 500K insurance policy — copy provided at least one week in advance
- A group of people that want to learn to work as a team better
- Be prepared to answer these questions:
- What date do you want to come?
- Full day or half day?
- How big is your group?
- What age group are they?
- Do you want us to provide lunch?
- What is the primary goal you want to accomplish by attending — communication, team building, or trust?
Ropes Course element names:
- Meuse (portable element)
- Islands (portable element)
- Spider Web
- Teeter Totter (Whale Watch)
- Sliding Traverse
- Multi-line
- Wild Woozie
- Triangle Traverse
- The Wall
Training facilitators are certified by the Association of Challenge Course Technology.